Subscription Terms
Auto Renewable Subscription
Subscription options
We have the following types of subscription in our game:
1. Premium Gold offers monthly subscription for $4.99 provides 3000 Gold , 1 Super items, 1 Bullet items on a daily basis ; Remove ADS and + 20% gold rewarded in campaign mode .
2. Premium Crystal offers monthly subscription for $9.99 which provides 5 Crystals, 1 Bomb items, 1 Shield items on a daily basis ; Remove ADS and Double the chance to receive Crystal bonus from spin in gameplay.
3. Premium Legendary offers monthly subscription for $29.99 which provides 1 Epic chests, 1 Normal chests on a daily basis ; Remove ADS and Time waiting for open chest decrease down to 15 minutes .
4. Premium Battle offers weekly subscription for $9.99 which provides free revive in single play for first die; Claim free gold from video button in gameplay; Free lucky spin in gameplay; Add 1 free turn in survival daily and +20% bonus for spaceship EXP.
This price is established for United States customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at